Web Runner Connection Parameters
Here are displayed all the information needed to access webrunner' services
- Access Url: Url to set up your account and then login into your webrunner
- Backend Url: ipv6 url to directly access your runner
- Git public Url: public url of your repositories.
- Git private Url: private url for your repositories. You can use it to push
- Monitor Password : Default monitor password
- Monitor Url: Monitor feed url
- Monitor User: Default monitor user
- Monitor Setup Url: Url to access the monitoring interface of your instance. Default password is "passwordtochange". Use this url to get the recovery code needed to set up your runner
- Public Url: Url of the public folder of your runner
- SSH command: used to access your runner in ssh when you provided a ssh public key
- Takeover runner password and url: Takeover url is used to take over as a main owner
- Url: Url to access your runner once you set your account
- Webdav url: url for webdav access of your runner it access the root of your runner. Same users as the one for the runner