Install and Configure LTE Box

How To Install and Configure LTE Box

This document explains how to install and configure an LTE-Box to be used in a Network Management System. An LTE-Box is a computer/server (COMP-1,2,3..., see SlapOS Architecture), so all documentation applicable to computers in a SlapOS network can be used for an LTE-Box, too.

This howTo is made for convenience of having all steps in a single document and combines installing a SlapOS slave node and configuring a SlapOS slave node.

To follow the steps outlined in this section, you need to have:

  • Access to a SlapOS Master - how to install and configure a SlapOS Master
  • A slave node (COMP-0) that provides services to the SlapOS Master and other nodes on the network, like the one we are about to setup - see install and configure a SlapOS slave node for the generic tutorials.
  • A new Debian server to register as LTE-Box

XXX Missing XXX steps for requesting an LTE instance and extra configuration/tweaks (like configuration on slapos.cfg for groups), will be added later when configuring real box

Table of Content

  • LTE Box Installation
  • Supply LTE Software on LTE Box
  • Instantiating LTE Software

LTE Box Installation

The following steps are also covered adding Re6st to a SlapOS node and installing a SlapOS slave node.

SlapOS Master Dashboard

SlapOS Interface - Dashboard

Start by logging into your SlapOS Master Dashboard. This can be your own master or any other Master you want to register with (Vifib, commerical service).

Click the Services menu on the side menu to open the list of existing services.

Request Re6st Registry Token

SlapOS Interface - Services List

Setting up a SlapOS Master (COMP-ROOT) and the inital SlapOS Slave (COMP-0) included installing and providing a Re6st Registry and a Frontend (Apache). Both are used when adding new nodes like the current LTE-Box to the network. To associate a new node with a new network, we start by requesting a Re6st Registry token.

Click Add in the subheader to instantiate a new service (the Re6st token is an instantiated service, too).

Select Re6st Service

SlapOS Interface - Select Re6st Service

Select the Re6st software

Select Re6st Release

SlapOS Interface - Select Re6st Release

Select the latest release.

Re6st Token Configuration Parameters

SlapOS Interface - Re6st Token Configuration Parameters

Select Re6st Token as Software Type (this is the process of providing custom parameters to an installed software - Re6st in this case). Give your token a recognizable name (Re6st-LTE-Box-123 for example) and don't forget to select the computer which has the Registry installend and can thus provide tokens.

Click Proceed to continue.

Re6st Token Instantiation

SlapOS Interface - Re6st Token Instantiation

You will be forwarded to the list of services. Note, you may have to refresh the page for the new token to display. Once it is there, click on it to view its connection parameters.

Re6st Token Requested

SlapOS Interface - Re6st Token Requested

It may take several minutes for the Re6st token to be displayed in the Connection Parameters table. Refresh the page once in a while to see whether instantiation has completed.

Re6st Token Connection Parameters

SlapOS Interface - Re6st Token Connection Parameters

Once you have a token, save it and access your fresh server (how to setup ssh access to remote server).

Install Re6st

Server - Install Re6st

Switch to root and verfiy wget is available

# yum install wget

Then run the single line Re6st installer:

# wget & bash re6st

Provide your Registry's Url (provided during Registry installation) along with your token to connect to your network:

What is the url to the Re6st registry? [] YOUR_REGISTRY_URL:9201/
Please insert your re6stnet token: [notoken]: YOUR_TOKEN

Installation should finish without errors:

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************                  : ok=24   changed=7   unreachable=0   failed=0

You can verify whether Re6st works by calling:

# ip a l

which should also produce entries like:

3: re6stnet-tcp: \
      <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq codel state\
      UNKNOWN group default qlen 100
    link/ether a6:bd:1c:8d:4:ad brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet6 fe80::a4bd:1cff:fe8d:49ad/64 scope link
        valid lft forever preferrred lft forever
4: re6stnet1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq codel \
      state UP group default qlen 100
    link/ether ba:a1:5f:c7:20:d8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet6 fe80::b8a1:5fff:fec7:20d9/64 scope link
        valid lft forever preferred lft forever

Once all is set, head back to your SlapOS Dashboard.

Request Server Token

SlapOS Interface - Server List

Click Servers in the side menu to head to your list of servers/LTE Boxes. Adding a new server to a network requires to have Re6st installed on this server (we just did) and associating the server with a re6st network (we did using our token).

For adding the server to a SlapOS Master, a different X509 security token is required.

Request one by clicking the Token button in the subheader.

Requested Server Token

SlapOS Interface - Proceed to Request X509 Certificate Token

Click Proceeed to request a X509 Certificate token.

Generated Server Token

SlapOS Interface - X509 Certificate Token Generated

Store the token and head back to your server's terminal.

Install SlapOS

SlapOS Interface - Install SlapOS

Continue and use the single line installer:

# wget && bash slapos

You will be asked a set of questions at some point during the installation:

What is the url to the SlapOS Master API?: []:
What is the url to the SlapOS Master Website?: []:
What is this computer name?[noname]: LTE-BOX-1
If you have slapos token if you have? [notoken]: 20180421-12BF3

On the first question, please point to port 5543 of your master's IPv4 adress, so enter https://[IPv4]:5543. On the second question, please add your SlapOS Master dashboard frontend or backend url (https://[IPv4]:443/erp5/web_site_module/hostingjs/). If connecting to the Vifib Master, skip the first two questions (press enter).

Choose a name for your computer to identity it in your network and finally enter the association token you have received from your SlapOS Master. You can repeat the installation in case something goes wrong or you would like to change some of the entered parameters.

Once the installation has finished without errors, you should see:

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************                  : ok=12   changed=4   unreachable=0   failed=0

You can verify that SlapOS was installed by trying:

# slapos node
watchdog                   RUNNING   pid 13270, uptime 0:00:03

And (re)formatting the SlapOS node (formatting SlapOS nodes):

# slapos node format --now
2018-04-21 13:07:29 slapos[13279] INFO Updating Computer
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart0
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart1
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart2
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart3
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart4
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart5
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart6
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart7
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart8
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos.format[13279] INFO Partition resources saved to slappart9
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos[13279] INFO Posting information to ''
2018-04-21 13:07:30 slapos[13279] INFO slapos successfully prepared the computer.

Head back to your SlapOS Dashboard.

Updated Server List

SlapOS Interface - Server List with installed LTE-Box

Verify the list of servers includes your SlapOS Node (called LTE-BOX-001) which was associated to your network using the token you had created. You may have to refresh the page for the server to show up.

As described elsewhere a server has two monitoring infos:

  • Computer Status - health of the computer
  • Partition Status - information on the status of the partitions used on a computer

A green status denotes everything is ok and computer/partitions are accessible. Yellow means there are issues with computer connectivity or a partition may not be working. Red means, there is an error on a computer or all partitions are not accessible.

Click on the server entry (not the monitorin buttons) to open its connection parameters

Supply LTE Software

Now that we have a server called LTE-BOX-001 installed, the actual LTE Software needs to be installed, so that it can later be instantiated.

The steps in this section are also covered in configuring a SlapOS slave node.

Supply LTE Software

SlapOS Interface - Supplying LTE Software

Once you are on your server, you can see that no software has been installed yet (Supplied Software table has no entries). Click Supply in the subheader to start installation of a software.

Select LTE Software

SlapOS Interface - Select LTE Software

Select the LTE software entry. Note that the types of software releases (you are looking at the list of available software releases) depend on the configuration of the SlapOS Master (see creating a software release for more info).

Select LTE Release

SlapOS Interface - Select LTE Release

Select the latest release

Install LTE Software

SlapOS Interface - Install LTE Software

Verify the displayed information and proceed to start installation.

Installing LTE Software

SlapOS Interface - Installing LTE Software

You will be forwarded to an installation page. You can either refresh the page here until installation is finished or head directly back to your computer by clicking on either the Servers menu in the side panel and locating your LTE-BOX-001 or by clicking on it directly on the installation page content right hand entry.

Supplied LTE Software

SlapOS Interface - Installation Status LTE Software

You can see the Supplied Software table now containing the entry for the LTE Software being installed. Once the monitoring box will switch to green (you need to refresh the page to update it), the software has been installed.

The next step is to actually provide an instance of the LTE Software. This will be done in the next section.

Instantiating LTE Software

Once the LTE-BOX has been setup and the installation of the LTE Software has completed, the LTE-BOX can start providing instances of this software to users.

The following steps are also covered in instantiating Amarisoft LTE software.


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