Refresh the page to show your instance and installation status.
You can follow the compilation by looking at the slapos-node-software.log
# tail opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-software.log -f
Since the Registry is listening on port 19201 (see system requirements) and user permissions in Linux systems prevent accessing ports above 1024, traffic must be forwarded (also describe in installing SlapOS node COMP-0).
This can be done using a Firewall with NAT traversal or using Socat. Socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Data channels can be files, pipes, devices (terminal or modem, etc.), or sockets (Unix, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), etc. For more information, please refer to the Free Software Directory).
To install socat in case required, use
$ sudo su
# sudo apt-get install socat
Then start by finding the IP adress to bind to:
# netstat -natp | grep 9201
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 26027/python2.7
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 :::9201 :::* LISTEN 26027/python2.7
Continue with:
# ifconifg eth0 | grep inet\
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Then call Socat:
# socat TCP4-LISTEN:9201,fork,bind= TCP4: & [3] 13443
Note, that your Registry master-url in the example is SAVE THIS URL. You will need to provide it whenever you want to connect a new node to the network.