Once synchronisation finishes the Monitor will load and display the list of Promises for the SlapOS Master.
Promises in SlapOS are executables doing arbitrary tasks and exiting with exit code 0 ("it works") or greater ("it doesn't work"). Everything in SlapOS is based on such Promises in order to automate the management of a SlapOS network. In case a Promise fails (eg a computer not responding), a ticket will be created on the SlapOS Master in order for a user to follow up with this failing promise (more info in Understanding SlapOS Promises).
Note, that the Monitor reports detailed instance status but does not provide any management functions such as handling of tickets. This has to be done in the SlapOS Master Dashboard which in turn only displays the global status of an instance (green, orange, red). Also note that the Monitor works autonomously from the SlapOS Master, so even if the Master is down, the Monitor will continue working.
Finally, as the Monitor was not accessed for a specific computer or instance, it will show the global network status. Clicking on one of the red/yellow/green computer or instance buttons will load the monitor with a scope set on the respective computer/instance.